
Aligner-Zahnbewegung: Effekt von Beschleunigungsgeräten

Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oral health-related quality of life and pain in patients with acceler- ation devices during orthodontic treatment with Invisalign.

Methods: Thirty patients were randomly assigned to three groups: control group (without additional accelerating devic- es, changing aligners every 7 days); Acceledent group (with Acceledent accelerating device aligners, changing every 6 days); Orthopulse group (with Orthopulse accelerating de- vice aligners, changing every 6 days).

The Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) questionnaire was used after the orthodontic treatment to measure the OHIP. This was a modified self-administered short version of the German Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-G16) questionnaire.

Results: Due to the reduced number of patients included in the study, as well as the individual diflerences in the groups, no suficient statistical data could be obtained, but only trends stated. One trend seemed to be reduced pain both at the beginning of a new pair of aligners and during the ortho- dontic treatment in the Acceledent group and the Orthopulse group.

Conclusion: The accelerated orthodontic treatment using the Invisalign system, with the help of vibrating or low-level light emitting devices, may reduce pain.

Xianju Xie, Hongyang Yin, Werner Schupp, Julia Haubrich, Hanna Gerwing, Yuxing Bai

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Journal of Aligner Orthodontics 2018;2(3):183–197 Artikel runterladen Zur Übersicht der Fachpublikationen